News & Politics

News & Politics stories from Republican Report cover current events and political updates relevant to the GOP and America at large. When relevant international events occur, you’ll see those stories here, too.

Ultimately, we want to keep you abreast of events and changes that could impact our way of life here in the United States. Through News & Politics, VIP Reports, and US History, Republican Report aims to inform with truth and integrity.

Representative Wants To Change Birthright Citizenship

( - House Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX) believes birthright citizenship in the United States, or the loophole that allows children of foreigners to become...

Latino Voters Set To Play A Major Role In Deciding The 2024 Election

( - This November, US voters will likely witness another head-to-head battle for the White House between President Joe Biden and former President Donald...

Youngkin’s Presidential Plans Slammed Shut

( - Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) appeared to be headed toward becoming a potential presidential candidate, but a failed high-stakes gamble appears to...

Trump Raises $50 Million in Record-Smashing Fundraiser

( - While the amount of money a campaign raises doesn’t necessarily win a presidential race, it certainly helps. Running for office is expensive,...

Defense Secretary’s Hospitalization Status Is Being Hidden

( - Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin recently spent four days in a hospital intensive care unit. The official reportedly suffered complications from a previous...

The NRA Is on a Downward Spiral

( - The National Rifle Association (NRA) promotes itself as the country’s longest-lived civil rights advocacy group, stating that it has over five million...

Ramaswamy Sparks Major Trump Rumor

( - US presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has remained hard on the campaign trail despite his ability to gain significant support in the GOP...

US Egg Producer Found Bird Flu in Chickens

( - The US’ largest egg producer found bird flu in some of its chickens, leading to a temporary halt in production and the...

State Senator Killed In Plane Crash With Wife And Kids

( - The Grand County Sheriff’s Office issued a press release on Facebook announcing the tragic death of state Senator Doug Larsen (R-ND) following...

Republican Governors Back Texas at Border

( - The battle between states' rights and the federal government's exercise of its duties as mandated by the US Constitution's Supremacy Clause (Article...


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