18 States Sue Biden Administration For New Gender Identity Rules For Employers

(RepublicanReport.org) – On April 29, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released new workplace guidance about harassment in the workplace. The guidelines set legal standards regarding employer liability in harassment claims. The EEOC said the aim was to make all workers feel safe in the workplace and ensure all employees were treated with respect. However, some GOP members have a problem with the measure.

On May 13, Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti announced he was leading 18 states in a lawsuit against the EEOC over its guideline change. The AG accused the department of federal overreach for issuing sexual harassment guidelines that extend sex-based discrimination to include gender identity.

The lawsuit states that the new guidelines state an employer must use preferred pronouns or names based on the employee’s preference. It also points out that employers could be liable for limiting access to a bathroom or other sex-segregated facility.

Skrmetti said the EEOC guidelines violated the separation of powers outlined in the US Constitution. The AG claimed the commission is governing “over the people instead of…by the people.” The plaintiffs claim the states would suffer “irreparable harm” if the policy stays in place and that the guidelines don’t allow the states to enforce their own laws on the matter. The suit also claimed the parameters would force irreversible harm upon individual citizens.

On President Joe Biden’s first day in office, he signed an executive order addressing the issue of discrimination as it relates to gender identity or sexual orientation. The order stated that each person deserves and should be treated with respect and dignity and should be able to live their lives free of fear.

To that end, Biden directed agency heads in his administration to review and change policies and programs to ensure they were free of discrimination against this particular demographic. It seems that was, in part, the aim of the EEOC.

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