Ramaswamy Sparks Major Trump Rumor

(RepublicanReport.org) – US presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has remained hard on the campaign trail despite his ability to gain significant support in the GOP primaries. Even so, his recent decision to stop funding television ad time has sparked a rumor that the longshot is planning on shifting gears and moving in a different direction. The timing could mean a major leap on Ramaswamy’s part, with some people speculating that he’s been vying for an appointment under former President Donald Trump.

Sudden Shift

NBC News shared the unexpected shift in late December 2023, when Ramaswamy’s TV campaign ads began to noticeably slow. It noted the first-time politician’s campaign spent roughly $200,000 on television endorsements in the first full week of the month. Two weeks later, the TV ad budget dropped to $6,000. The campaign’s press secretary, Tricia McLaughlin, stated it decided its money might be better spent reaching voters through mail, phone calls, texts, and similar outlets. She said the campaign feels the need “to be nimble and hypertargeted.”.

Ramaswamy criticized the NBC article on X, the social media outlet formerly known as Twitter. He called television ad spending “idiotic,” claiming they were a ploy political consultants used to scam dumb presidential candidates. He also insisted that his spending was data-based and added that he would be revealing a “big surprise” on January 15, which just so happens to be the same day Iowa plans to hold its caucuses.

Trump Rumors

Ramaswamy has stayed active in his public appearances, most recently joining Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo for the December 24 airing of “Sunday Morning Futures.” He sat beside his wife, Dr. Apoorva Ramaswamy, to discuss his thoughts on the current political climate and double down on his assertion that he was still in the race. Bartiromo went so far as to ask whether he would consider a position under Donald Trump if the former president returned to the White House, and he insisted that he’s “not a plan-B person” and believed he would “overdeliver” on January 15.

The bold statement comes despite Ramaswamy’s claim that he plans to remove his name from the Colorado primary ballot if Trump’s name is withheld as a demonstration of his support. He also suggested that his peers campaigning for the GOP primary remove their names from the Centennial State’s ballot as well. The Colorado Supreme Court decided on December 19 to bar the frontrunner from its state primaries, citing the 14th Amendment and Trump’s alleged actions on January 6, 2021. The former president is expected to take the controversial decision to the US Supreme Court.

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