US Army To Build Floating Pier off Gaza’s Shore for Food Deliveries

( – Four Army boats are currently headed toward Gaza with plans to build and stock a floating pier somewhere near the war-torn region’s shoreline. The construction will aid in efforts to supply food and other vital items to starving Palestinians amid the persisting war with Israel.

The United States has skated a fine line leading up to this newest development, offering Israel support in its counterstrikes while pushing for allowances to extend humanitarian aid to the many innocent bystanders who are now struggling to find food in Gaza. Amnesty International is warning that Israel’s refusal to allow assistance to reach people in need could contribute to the potential genocide threatening the region.

Approximately one-quarter of the people living along the Gaza Strip are starving. Food is scarce, and what is available is grossly overpriced. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is adamant that the assault against the Muslim people won’t end until Hamas returns every last hostage. His government’s restrictions on aid deliveries have made getting vital supplies into the area next to impossible. Even worse, he plans to add strikes to a city in Gaza’s southern region, Rafah, where more than a million people are currently taking refuge. Currently, conditions are so desperate in the northern part of the territory, that many of the people who remained despite the evacuation orders are resorting to eating animal feed to stay alive.

Humanitarian groups have been struggling desperately to get help to the people who need relief the most in these areas. Only recently have they managed to bring in shipments, some of which have included other precious resources like fuel and medical supplies. Some have had to resort to using private convoys. US officials hope the added sea access will allow them to provide the Palestinian people with the food they need without worrying about Israel’s continued land restrictions.

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