Trump Wants Mike Johnson To Stay

( – House Speaker Mike Johnson’s tenure (R-LA) has been on the line for about a month, as Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) threatened to oust him with a motion to vacate. While she didn’t initially call the vote, the Republican lawmaker recently renewed her desire to remove the speaker, roping in a couple more GOP House members to back her. But a recent declaration might stop Greene in her tracks.

On April 22, former President Donald Trump sat for an interview with radio host John Fredericks from “Real America’s Voice.” During the discussion, the ex-US leader praised Johnson as a “good man” who is “trying very hard,” adding that he understood the House speaker couldn’t just “do whatever he wants.”

Trump said it was important for Republicans to keep the House majority and concentrate on growing that presence during the November elections. According to Newsmax, the former president told some congressional members that removing Johnson at this point would be a “disaster,” negatively affecting his chance of winning in November.

And the remark wasn’t the first time the former president indicated he didn’t want the House to remove Johnson as speaker. Earlier in the month, Johnson traveled to Mar-a-Lago for a meeting before the pair held a joint press conference. Trump stated the speaker was doing a “very good job” and said he supports him. The former US leader said he has a good relationship with Johnson and also with Greene, calling the move to oust the speaker “unfortunate.” He said there are “bigger problems” to focus on.

Greene is a far-Right House member and loyal Trump supporter, but it’s unclear if she will change course to appease the former president. She most recently posted about the motion the day before Trump’s “Real America’s Voice” interview. At that time, she listed the times she felt Johnson “betrayed” the GOP House members, stating his “speakership is over.”

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