Trump Says There’s An ‘Obligation’ To Debate Biden

( – On February 5, Donald Trump challenged President Joe Biden to “immediately” drop everything and schedule a debate presidential debate during an interview with conservative political commentator and author Dan Bongino. Later that day, Biden rebuffed the former president’s request, telling reporters, “If I were him, I would want to debate me, too,” adding, “He’s got nothing else to do.” Trump recently broached the topic again, stating he had an “obligation” to debate Biden.

The former president sat down for a televised town hall meeting with Fox News host Laura Ingraham on February 20. The two discussed Biden’s declining mental health and his campaign’s effort to deflect by discussing Trump’s age. Setting aside Biden’s “current” mental state, “whatever you want to call it,” Ingraham asked Trump if he would challenge Biden to appear for “regular debates, regardless of the concern about moderators.”

Trump responded in the affirmative, adding that he would challenge Biden “right now on your show.” The MAGA leader said he would let Biden choose the moderator, even someone from CNN. Directing his attention to the audience, he noted that the network was “doing poorly in the ratings,” immediately triggering an enthusiastic response from the crowd.

Once the audience quieted back down, Trump noted that he had “an obligation in this case … to debate.” He explained that he didn’t need to do so with his Republican rivals since he was “up by 40, 50, 60 points” in the polls. Turning his attention to the sole remaining challenger, Nikki Haley, he said the latest polling showed him at 91 points, “and she is at seven,” implying there was no need to debate her given his overwhelming lead. Trump told Ingraham he didn’t want “to waste his time.”

Ingraham noted that it would be “instructive” to see Trump and Biden debate “on any given topic” regardless of the polling figures.

Trump enthusiastically confirmed that he was “way up on [Biden] in the polls” and reiterated the two men’s obligation to debate now that the presidential race is effectively down to the final Republican and Democratic candidates.

Ingraham asked Trump how many debates he would commit to attending. He responded “as many as it takes,” adding that he would like to do them “starting now.”

Trump concluded that portion of the town hall by predicting Biden would refuse to debate him.

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