Trump Attends College Football Game On Haley’s Home Turf

( – Republican front-runner Donald Trump recently decided to upstage third-place rival and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley on her home turf. However, his attendance at a college football game in the Palmetto State appeared to provoke a mixed response from the crowd.

The former president attended the annual match-up between Clemson University and the University of South Carolina in the early state’s capital city of Columbia. Gov. Henry McMaster (R), an alumnus of the latter school, recently extended an open invitation for Trump to attend the game in the early-voting state.

Video footage of the event showed Trump receiving a mixture of positive and negative responses from attendees. Some members of the audience can be heard repeatedly chanting, “We want Trump.” At the same time, a chorus of “boos” appeared to echo throughout the stadium.

As one might expect, lefty Liberals posted clips of the former president’s halftime reception far and wide on X, formerly Twitter, and other social media sites. They accompanied the posts with the usual smears on Trump’s character and political aspirations.

Inversely, Trump supporters posted the same clips. However, they pushed back on claims that the former president was met with anything less than widespread adoration.

Likewise, media outlets posted differing interpretations of the game attendees’ response to Trump’s appearance. For instance, Newsweek published an article claiming the crowd “greeted” the former president with “loud boos.” On the flip side, POLITICO reported that “Trump [drew] cheers in Haley’s backyard.”

Trump ignored the negative feedback presented by liberal social media personalities, limiting himself to posting a link to an article by The Last Refuge applauding the “Hero’s Welcome” he received at the Palmetto Bowl. Like POLITICO, the site reported that Trump upstaged Haley.

Whichever side of the fence a person falls on regarding Trump’s appearance on game day — he’s leading Haley by 51.8 points (61.6% to 9.8%) in Real Clear Politics’ latest polling average for the Republican nomination.

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