Trans Collegiate Sprinter Switches to Women’s Team and Breaks Record

( – The women’s track and field team for Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) recently had an impressive meet, with top-five finishers in multiple categories. One team member broke previous school records by completing the 300-meter dash in just 41.80 seconds. Making even bigger headlines is the fact that this player is a biological male who identifies as a transgender woman.

Sophomore “Sadie Rose” Schreiner made news for their fast finishing time in RIT’s December 8 meet at the Nazareth Alumni Invitational. The school shared the sprinter’s achievement on Instagram without mentioning any of the controversial — but also arguably qualifying — info on the runner’s gender. Notably, the school turned comments off for the post.

The move set off an explosion of heated opinions on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. Libs of TikTok reminded readers that Schreiner had competed as a male in high school track, where they ranked 19th place in the 100-meter dash. The tweet accused the runner of stealing their records from women. MAGA poster Anne Carter asked where all of the feminists were in response to what she called a “clear violation of women’s rights.” Army veteran Bob Lonsberry noted that Schreiner would have placed 41st if they had been competing against male runners.

The controversy over transgender athletes — particularly biological males wanting to compete against biological females despite their undisputable physical advantage — became a particularly heated item in April. The Department of Education proposed changes to Title IX that would reject federal funding to K-12 schools, colleges, and universities that refused to allow trans athletes to compete alongside people of their assumed genders. The text cites “fairness in competition” for its reasoning, claiming restrictions against trans competitors are unfair while failing to address lost opportunities for genetically female peers who must compete against male bodies.

The US Government Accountability Office states that Title IX was initially put in place to ensure females received the same opportunities as males in school-related activities.

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