Terror Groups Evacuate Their Positions After Biden Speaks Out

(RepublicanReport.org) – US President Joe Biden recently spoke out in response to the deadly Iran-backed attack in Jordan that killed three American service members. He warned that the US planned to retaliate by initiating a campaign that could last for weeks, and news of the decision quickly spread across the media. Terrorist groups, which learned about the US president’s plans alongside everyone else, have reportedly begun to evacuate their positions to avoid the counterstrikes.

No group has yet stepped forward to claim responsibility for the deadly attack, but officials in the US are pointing the finger at a group of militias that function under the Islamic Resistance in Iran. Ultimately, Washington says Tehran is responsible, and Biden has indicated that he will respond with “appropriate” force. His administration is still finalizing its target list. Iran has, in turn, threatened to respond to any attacks on the US’ part.

Since October 18, 2023, according to The Associated Press, Iran-backed militias have struck US military installations in Iraq, Jordan, and Syria 166 times. Up until now, the attacks haven’t resulted in any deaths.

Biden first indicated the possibility of a counter-strike in a statement he released on January 28 following news of the fallen service members. He took the opportunity to restate his commitment against terrorism, adding that the people responsible for the US deaths would answer for their crimes.

The White House’s grand posturing might seem like a suitable power play, but Daily Wire reports that some officials are criticizing the move. Andrea Stricker, who works as deputy director for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies’ Nonproliferation and Biodefense Program, slammed the Biden administration for showing its hand. By leaving no element of surprise to “shock the system,” according to Stricker, the counter-strikes could fail to convince Iran to call off its proxies.

Other people fear that retaliatory strikes will only add more fuel to a wildfire already threatening to rage out of control, concerned about the possibility of igniting an even larger war.

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