Students Praised For Saving American Flag From Anti-Israel Protesters

( – Protesters at colleges all across America have been gathering over the last few weeks in an effort to stop the massacre occurring in Gaza. Many of them are demanding that their schools cut financial ties with Israel to send a message that they don’t support what they refer to as a “genocide.” When the protestors at one college in North Carolina tried replacing Old Glory with a Palestinian flag, a group of students stepped in to save her.

On April 30, a group of frat brothers from Pi Kappa Phi from the University of North Carolina (UNC) Chapel Hill rushed to the flag pole on campus to prevent the removal of the American flag. The protesters had already removed the flag once and the head of the school — with police — had to step in and replace the symbol of freedom.

However, once they left, the group began to lower the flag again. In order to keep Old Glory from touching the ground, the Pi Kappa Phi group grabbed it and held it above their heads for about an hour until backup arrived.

Several people caught the ordeal on camera, sharing a picture of the young men surrounding the American flag on social media. They praised the frat brothers for standing up and protecting the US symbol.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) shared the image with the caption noting, “This is America.” Representative Richard Hudson (R-NC) said he was “proud” of the students “who bravely protected” the flag at UNC Chapel Hill. He said that is what it looks like to be a “proud American.”

Some supporters went further by setting up a GoFundMe to raise money for a celebration. They wanted to praise the frat brothers for stepping in, and the page that collected over $330,000 stated that they “deserve” a party for their patriotic actions.

Dozens of protestors were arrested on campus during the protest, some of them being students at the university.

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