NYC Seniors Evicted From Nursing Home, Gets Turned Into Migrant Shelter

( – There are plenty of reasons to bash New York City officials for their handling of the ever-expanding migrant crisis — thanks, of course, to President Joe Biden’s lax border security measures. For instance, NYC and Biden administration officials recently faced serious scrutiny and criticism for their joint decision to house as many as 2,000 asylum seekers at an abandoned airfield located at the Gateway National Recreation Center.

Several Republican lawmakers raised questions about the legality of that arrangement under the National Environmental Act. Others pointed out that housing migrants in a federal park disrupts services to members of the public visiting the recreational facility.

Unfortunately, a group of seniors found themselves victimized by NYC’s effort to house migrants coupled with a private company’s decision to prioritize profit over people.

Big Apple Seniors Evicted To Make Room for Migrants

Media outlets recently erupted with the news that a NYC non-profit group called Homes for the Homeless evicted dozens of elderly residents at the Island Shores Senior Residence facility. As it turned out, the organization obtained a contract from the city to house migrants at the former assisted living center.

Fox News spoke with 94-year-old US Army veteran Frank Tammaro, one of the residents forced out of the center. “I felt horrible,” he recounted, adding that “it’s no joke getting [tossed] out of a house.” Making matters worse, a couple of months later, he found out that a group of migrants were moving into his old unit — free of charge.

Tammaro said it upset him seeing the government “handing out all this money” while he’s “paying taxes and getting kicked out.” He pointed out that he’s never taken a handout from NYC or the state, yet this is how he gets treated.

Profit Over People Rules the Day

Last September, Homes for the Homeless announced its decision to sell the former Midland Beach assisted living center. The organization hoped to find a buyer by March 2023 and use the money from the sale to fund other priorities.

For those unfamiliar with the group, they use a lot of resources providing child-centered, family-oriented housing services and occupational training. Homes for the Homeless also operates several small homeless shelters. They receive much of their funding through contracts received from officials from NYC, Queens, and the Bronx.

Local media outlets reported that Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) and Councilmember David Carr (R-Mid-Island) recently approached Homes for the Homeless with several parties interested in purchasing the senior housing center. However, they said they were met with “dead silence.”

In October, Malliotakis announced that Homes for the Homeless had started the process of turning the senior living center into a migrant shelter the previous month. It appears the so-called charity opted to go with the higher bidder. In this instance, that likely means the federal government made supplemental funds available to the city since the Biden administration has an interest in housing incoming migrants and asylum seekers.

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