Newt Gingrich Brands GOP As Traitors

Fox News Says Election Is "Indictment" of Current GOP

( – The US House of Representatives just made history, but not for making notable changes for the better across the country or coming together for a record-breaking bipartisan effort. Instead, they turned on one of their own, tossing Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from his speakership position for catering too much to both sides of the aisle. Newt Gingrich, who served as House speaker in the 1990s, slammed all eight Republicans who helped make the removal happen, calling them “traitors.”

Long-Standing Republican

Gingrich left Congress in 1999, according to his Britannica bio, but he has remained a vocal advocate for conservative Republican values. The former representative worked briefly as a commentator on Fox News and founded the public policy organization American Solutions for Winning the Future. He even took a stab at entering the presidential primaries in 2012. Following the failed attempt, he worked for CNN, appeared on additional Fox News programming, and served as an unofficial advisor during Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Chaos and Disarray

Gingrich appeared on Fox News to offer his commentary on McCarthy’s lost position, which a social media user posted on X, the platform formerly called Twitter. The retired politician stated that 96% of Republicans voted to keep McCarthy as speaker, but the remaining 4% was enough to knock him from the seat. He expressed his disgust as a long-standing Republican who has been involved in politics for decades and called for other conservatives to vote them out in the next elections. He alleged that those eight outliers are working “with the other team” to create chaos.

The 1990s speaker also said that lawmakers among the Right should focus on their issues with the Biden administration, the economy, and the border crisis. He stated that all the media has to report on is “Republican disarray.”

Historic Vote

Rep. McCarthy lost his position as speaker after Rep. Matt Gaetz called for a historic motion to vacate, forcing a no-confidence vote. It ended with 216 House members in favor of McCarthy vacating the position and 210, all Republicans, voting against it. This move left Republicans once again with the task of finding — and agreeing upon — a replacement.

This is the first time in U.S. history for a House speaker to be fired from the position. Yet, McCarthy seems oddly comfortable with the removal. At a subsequent Capitol press conference, the former speaker voiced satisfaction with his tenure, stating that he “wouldn’t change a thing.”

It isn’t yet clear who will step into the role of House speaker. Possible replacements for the seat include Reps. Steve Scalise (LA), Jim Jordan (OH), and Kevin Hern (OK).

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