McCarthy Says Speaker Selection Is Embarrassing

( – Over 20 days have passed since the House of Representatives held a no-confidence vote on Rep Kevin McCarthy and vacated his chair. The lower chamber has made several attempts to replace him, but they have gone nowhere. McCarthy recently called the mess “embarrassing.”

McCarthy spoke with NBC’s “Meet the Press” on October 22 to share his thoughts on the matter. He placed the bulk of the blame on Matt Gaetz, who orchestrated his removal, along with the eight Republicans who voted with him. He expressed confusion over their motivations, noting he had no legal access to Gaetz’s ethics complaint. He added that the problem had to be serious if members were willing to put the country in such an uncertain position — but Congress needed to come together if anyone wanted to get anything done.

Other GOP members have shared similar feelings on their current situation. Rep. Mike McCaul (R-TX) told ABC’s “This Week” that “the world is on fire.” He called the decision to play politics during such a pressing time “dangerous,” noting that the House is doing nothing but giving power to the country’s enemies. He said escalation in the Middle East is a huge concern, one that must take priority. Additionally, Iran has grown its arsenal and could easily overwhelm Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system. He stated that Hamas and Hezbollah are only able to understand our interactions in terms of power. If we use force, they’ll back down — and if we don’t, they’ll attack.

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R) added his concern on CNBC’s “Last Call.” He agreed that the House is currently an embarrassment to the GOP, but he also blamed extremists for causing the problem. He criticized the far-right party members for going in the direction they have without any “real plan” to move forward. He said that moderate Republicans needed to find a reasonable path, noting that extremists could ultimately leave them with no choice but to make a deal with Democrats.

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