Mayor Explains Why He Switched From Democrat to Republican

( – A Texas mayor recently switched from Democrat to Republican, surprising some of his voter base. The politician explained that, as a black citizen, he felt the party was inhibiting his people by clinging to outdated and limiting views on minorities living in the United States.

Dallas, Texas, Mayor Eric Johnson (R) joined “Verdict With Ted Cruz” for the show’s February 26 podcast, which host Ted Cruz also shared on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. Co-host Ben Ferguson sat by as Cruz introduced Dallas’ 60th mayor, sharing that Johnson began his political career in the Texas state legislature as a Democrat. He moved from there to the seat of Dallas mayor. The city leader recently won re-election with about 93% of the vote, again running on the Left, but then shocked voters by announcing shortly after his victory that he was switching parties. The Texas mayor said the decision upset a lot of people, claiming they’re more concerned over the move than they would’ve been if he’d decided to turn his back on Christianity.

Johnson explained that he, like many black people, grew up in the Democratic party as sort of a default, with the affiliation handed down like a “cultural heirloom.” He stated that the Left has long pushed the belief that minorities have a harder time achieving success in the US because white people have all the advantages. The Dallas mayor said he wasn’t raised in that mindset, which ultimately leaves people of color convinced that every important factor in their lives is out of their control. The attitude, according to Johnson, “excuses away” minorities’ successes along with their failures, turning people into dependents who believe they need the help of their party to get anywhere.

Instead, the “winning formula” is a conservative approach, says Johnson. He insists people clinging to left-wing ideologies need to take responsibility for their own lives instead of waiting for their party to swoop in and save them. He feels the belief left him with no choice but to switch to the Right.

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