Majority Of Democrats Approve Of Replacing Biden With New Candidate

( – The Democratic and Republican national conventions are set to happen later this summer, officially naming their respective candidates for the presidential ticket in November. Those nominees are presumably President Joe Biden for the Democrats and former President Donald Trump for the GOP. But a recent poll showed most likely voters on the Left would accept a different candidate.

Between May 20 and May 22, Rasmussen conducted a telephone poll of 1,113 likely voters. The survey found that 54% of those people believe it’s acceptable to replace Biden with another candidate. A near majority of Democrats, 49%, said they would approve of the swap, and 43% of Republicans agreed. However, only 38% believed it would actually happen — a 9% drop from February.

When asked about possible replacements, 17% chose Vice President Kamala Harris, 21% picked former First Lady Michelle Obama, and 11% opted for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) came in fourth with 8%, and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) came in last with 5%. But the big winner among the 1,113 likely voters polled was “None of them,” which pulled 31% of the vote.

According to average polling reported by FiveThirtyEight, Biden is trailing Trump in the polls by 1.2 points. However, the former president’s first criminal trial is coming to a close in New York, and it’s unclear how voters will respond to a possible guilty verdict. Washington, DC, Attorney Bradley Moss said while Trump’s supporters will not stray from him regardless, there are independents and undecideds to worry about. The lawyer said he doesn’t “see how a guilty verdict would help him,” adding that the real question is “how much damage it does.”

Regardless of whether voters would like to see a different Democratic candidate, a rematch between Biden and Trump is inevitable. In November, voters will have to decide which one of the two they want to lead the country.

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