Lake Thinks Dems Will Replace Biden With Newsom

( – The presidential primaries are well on their way, and yet the Democratic National Convention is still insisting that President Joe Biden is the Left’s choice for 2024. US Senate hopeful Kari Lake recently stated that she believes Democrats will ultimately replace Biden with California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), insisting they are already laying the foundation for the switch.

Lake discussed her views during a Monday, October 30, showing of “Eric Bolling The Balance.” She began by slamming the current administration, noting the problems her state faces every day due to failed policies. The Arizona MAGA conservative lambasted Vice President Kamala Harris for her ineffective actions and poor grasp of the situation. Bolling mentioned buzz he’d heard on a recent “60 Minutes” interview with the vice president, where she brushed aside speculations that Biden might need to pass the reins if he happened to get elected for a second time.

Lake shared that she thinks, given Harris’ low popularity as well, that Dems will go with an altogether different strategy. She points to Newsom as the apparent choice waiting in the wings. The Arizona Senate hopeful believes his recent trip to China, which she alleged was in control of the Democratic Party, was a clear sign that Newsom is gearing up for a leap to the national stage. She added that Biden’s position will have crumbled the Left too greatly for the frontrunner to remain realistically on the final ballot.

Newsom claimed in a recent press release that the trip was all about pulling China, which is a major producer of the world’s carbon emissions, into his green energy agenda. He also admits that he made the visits in hopes of strengthening the relationship between the US and the communist rival. The documents the leaders all signed were mere pretense — as the type of “agreement” they used, a memorandum of understanding, is not a legally binding document — so the California governor’s true motivations could remain a mystery.

Lake reminds viewers of her belief that Newsom’s leadership has been disastrous for California, and other states don’t want to follow a similar path.

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