Ken Buck Retiring Early, Shrinks GOP’s House Majority

( – Colorado Rep. Ken Buck (R) just announced that he’s retiring early from his 4th District seat, altering his timeline in Congress once more. He said in November 2023 that he would not be seeking re-election, but now, he’s decided he doesn’t even want to finish out his current term. The Colorado lawmaker stated multiple reasons behind the abrupt resignation, which will effectively shrink the GOP’s House majority, but the current political climate is his main motivation.

Fractured Party

Buck shared both of his announcements on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. He claimed that “too many Republican leaders” were being dishonest to the American people about the 2020 election. He noted the narrative that the Department of Justice had become weaponized, adding that he refused to lie for his party or its presidential candidate. He also said he felt sad over so many of his peers deciding that they would say whatever it took to win.

Opinions on the January 6 Capitol riot are Buck’s dividing line. He slammed Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) for her criticisms of his approach to the issue. The representative stated his belief that Congress’ job, as stated in the Constitution, is to count votes, not choose the course of the election. He also disagreed with members of the Right who attempted to impeach President Joe Biden in the absence of treason or high crimes and misdemeanors. He stated that impeachment, according to the Constitution, wasn’t simply a “political exercise” that members can “hope that it does the right thing.” He added that too many members “care more about their social media accounts” than the law of the land.

Shifting Strategy

Buck believes neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden is the right choice for 2024, noting in a March 12 interview with news correspondent Dana Bash that the American people weren’t happy with either choice. He also felt like he wasn’t going to get any meaningful work done alongside the current Congress. The representative said he had no choice but to leave and see what kinds of changes he might make possible through outside organizations. He specifically wants to change electoral laws and work toward pushing better candidates to represent the American people.

Slim Majority

Buck is just one of three Republicans representing Colorado in the House. His departure leaves the GOP with 218 members to the Democrats’ 213. The slim majority means Republicans will only be able to spare two holdouts on party-line votes until they fill Buck’s seat — and that’s assuming a Democrat isn’t able to flip it.

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