How Trump and Biden Polls Look Eight Months Before Election

( – The primaries are gearing up toward a likely rematch between former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden. Both men are running in the hopes of serving a second term, and both are fighting in what’s arguably one of the most divided political climates in history. Now, eight months before the general election, the two front-runners appear once again to be neck and neck in the polls. A handful of key issues could determine which of them comes out on top.

The 2020 presidential election ended with just a few percentage points between Trump and Biden, meaning the current commander-in-chief only won by a slim margin. The heavy division between the support base for each candidate triggered an extremely high voter turnout, making the contest all the more competitive.

To put the numbers in perspective, Trump won in 2016 with 62,985,106 votes to Hilary Clinton’s 65,853,625 — for a total of 128,838,731 cast across both parties. In 2020, Biden won with 81,282,916 votes to Trump’s 74,223,369 — for a total of 155,506,285 ballots cast across both parties.

Whether each will be able to rally as many voters to support them once again could make or break their chances of claiming the White House in 2024. Current polls, according to Five ThirtyEight, show the election could easily go either way, and sources appear largely split over the possible outcome.

YouGov, in coordination with CBS News, found Trump to be ahead by about four points, whereas Morning Consult reported Biden ahead by one point. Another polling site, TIPP Insights, estimated that a one-on-one match between the two would end with Biden ahead by a single point, although it also predicted that votes pulled from third-party candidates might help Trump even his odds.

Newsweek reports that age, particularly Biden’s, is a major concern among American voters. Conversely, Trump’s biggest problem — his many legal battles — doesn’t appear to be holding him back much. Other issues that could influence the 2024 outcome include the economy, high prices, illegal immigration, and the two contenders’ views on the war between Israel and Hamas.

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