House Vote to Impeach Homeland Secretary Mayorkas Fails

( – House Resolution 863, which brought the fate of Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the House floor, finally came to a vote. The measure failed, preserving the White House official’s position for the time being, but Republicans haven’t given up quite yet.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) introduced the bill, also known as Impeaching Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, for high crimes and misdemeanors, in November 2023. It failed the latest roll call vote, with 214 yeas to 216 nays, due to four Republicans voting against party lines. All 212 Democrats voted against the measure. House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) didn’t vote, according to Newsmax, because he was recovering at home from a surgery to treat his cancer.

The resolution alleged that Mayorkas engaged in a “willful and systemic refusal” to follow the law and a “breach of public trust.” It claims the homeland secretary posed a danger to the country’s security because his actions have conflicted with his duties to the United States and its people. The bill’s supporters blame him for the millions of people who’ve been illegally entering the country each year because he failed to follow established detainment policies, paroled applicants in massive groups, and allowed excessive backlogs to clog the system. The bill also notes Mayorkas’ cancellation of border wall contracts and alleges he lied about the border being “secure,” the vetting of many Afghan refugees, and the treatment of illegal aliens in US custody.

The US Customs and Border Protection reports that encounters at the southern border have increased steadily since the Biden Administration took over in 2021. It notes that at the beginning of the fiscal year, in October, officials stopped 71,929 illegal crossers. In October 2024, the agency reported 240,981 encounters — meaning illegal immigration more than tripled in just three years.

The House is planning to bring the resolution to another vote next week.

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