House Passes Bills Supporting Women With Unplanned Pregnancies

( – Ever since the Supreme Court reversed the protections of Roe v. Wade, there has been an ongoing battle for women’s rights. While all eyes have been on abortion legislation on a state level, the House of Representatives recently addressed the issue on a federal level by passing two pieces of legislation regarding unplanned pregnancies. The reported aim of these bills is to relieve any pressure women might feel to have an abortion.

On January 19, The Daily Wire reported that the GOP-controlled Lower Chamber passed the Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Women and Families Act and The Pregnant Students’ Rights Act. The former — HR 6918 — passed along party lines with 214 Republicans voting for the measure and 208 Democrats voting against. The Biden Administration released a statement “strongly” opposing the bill, stating it would divert federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) away from supporting pregnant women and families. The measure is supposed to prevent pregnancy centers from losing TANF funding. It aims to preemptively stop a proposed regulation that could block TANF grants from pregnancy centers — entities that only provide assistance to pregnant people and don’t offer or refer for abortions.

The second measure, HR 6914, also passed along party lines — 212 GOP votes for and 207 Democratic votes against. Representative Ashley Hinson (R-IA), who introduced the bill, said it aims to support and empower pregnant college students who choose to “continue their education and their pregnancy.” The bill detailed statistics on how many college women had abortions in 2021 when faced with an unplanned pregnancy. HR 6914 outlines proposed accommodations and resources for pregnant students who decide to carry their fetuses to term.

The Biden administration said it opposes that bill as well, in its current form. The statement explained there are already federal civil rights laws against discrimination of pregnant students. In addition, the administration stated the government already requires higher education institutions to accommodate their needs. The bills are unlikely to pass the Democrat-controlled Senate.

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