Harvard President Resigns, Still Receiving $900K Salary

(RepublicanReport.org) – Claudine Gay, who brought controversy to Harvard University after becoming the subject of multiple scandals, has resigned from her position as president. The disgraced school leader isn’t leaving Harvard completely, however, and she’ll still probably be raking in close to $900,000 annually despite facing unresolved accusations of anti-Semitism and academic dishonesty.

Gay shared her decision to resign on January 2, 2024, in a personal news release on Harvard’s website. Without accepting responsibility for anything, the educator said she was stepping down for the good of the university. Gay insisted she was committed to seeking truth, freedom of expression, compassion, and dignity through her work, and she expressed dismay over the recent attacks against her. The former university president promised she would continue to help build her community as she returns to a faculty teaching position.

The Fellows of Harvard College issued a statement as well, supporting both Gay’s work and her decision to resign. The group shared that while much of the backlash the educator received had occurred online, she also received hateful email messages and telephone calls, some of which were racist in nature. The fellows disparaged the attacks and applauded Gay for continuing her efforts despite the public’s response. They added that they planned to begin the hunt for a new president soon and would be sure to give updates as they came.

The New York Post reports that critics, such as House GOP Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY), don’t think Gay should be working at the university at all. The New York Republican pointed to the roughly 50 instances of alleged plagiarism in the former president’s “very slim body of academic work,” calling Harvard’s decision to overlook the potential offenses as “absurd.” Gay had received previous calls to step down over her disturbingly vague testimony before Congress on the issue of anti-Semitism at universities.

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