Harris Focuses on Abortion in Order To Gain ’24 Momentum

(RepublicanReport.org) – The polls haven’t been kind to President Joe Biden, and yet the Democratic Party insists on pushing him as its candidate for the 2024 elections. In what could be the Left’s Hail Mary, Vice President Kamala Harris recently announced she’ll be traveling the country for a “Reproductive Freedoms Tour,” beginning in late January. The move may be an attempt to sway progressive and moderate voters who are still on the fence about their choices at the polls.

Harris’ Planned Tour

The White House issued a press release on December 19 to share the details of Harris’ plan. She’ll be starting her tour by attending an event in Wisconsin on the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, January 21, 2024. The rest of the tour stops will be announced soon. The vice president is using the tour to paint pro-life activists as “extremists” who want to control women’s bodies and enact “radical policies” to undermine personal autonomy.

Harris’ focus is likely to appeal to voters who disagree with the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which placed legislative control over abortions back into the hands of individual states rather than keeping the procedure legal on a federal level — and she might rally them to vote Democrat by convincing them their freedom is at stake.

Former President Donald Trump took credit for the historic Dobbs decision, noting that his Supreme Court justice picks made the decision possible. His actions may have bought him some points among the religious Right, but they also served to fuel the fury of Progressives. The sore point proved to be a huge liability against Republicans in the 2022 midterms, with Democrats coming in droves out of the woodwork to vote left and crush the projected Red Wave.

Trump Ahead in Polls

A recent poll by The New York Times and Sienna put Trump two points ahead of Biden. Participants were asked between December 10 and December 14 which of the two frontrunners they would vote for if they had to go immediately to the polls, and 46% chose Trump over Biden’s 44%. Only 9% said they weren’t sure or didn’t want to respond. Most listed the economy as the most pressing issue affecting the country, but the cost of living and issues related to immigration were also important factors.

Disapproval ratings between Trump and Biden are tight, according to the data, which indicates that roughly 43% of Americans strongly disapprove of Biden’s performance as president. The same percentage of respondents stated they had a very unfavorable opinion of Trump. Given the numbers, the winner on Election Day might ultimately be determined by which of the two candidates can convince the most last-minute deciders to support them at the ballot box.

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