Hamas Lied, Number Of Hospital Deaths Lower Than Reported

(RepublicanReport.org) – On the morning of October 7, a Middle Eastern terrorist group — Hamas — launched a deadly missile attack on Israel. The group continued its initial strike with a well-planned invasion by land, sea, and air. The surprise event caused retaliation from Israel and war commenced, sparking protests worldwide. On October 17, a rocket of unknown origin reportedly struck the Al Ahli Arab Hospital in the middle of Gaza City, claiming at least 500 innocent lives. However, new reports put the casualty count far lower than previously reported.

Two days after the blast, the Daily Wire reported that Hamas had not only grossly overstated the number of victims by hundreds but also lied about the incident’s origin — Israel. One European intelligence agency told a French news outlet that the death toll was between 10 and 50 people. The US put the count on the “low end” between 100 and 300. Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs official Lior Haiat said it was “several dozen.” The count, while seemingly exaggerated, is still unclear.

As for the allegation that Israel was the one to attack the hospital, multiple agencies showed evidence debunking that assessment. Officials from Europe, the US, and Israel all agree that the rocket was a Palestinian Islamic Jihad misfire — and they released video proof of their claims.

Israel Defense Forces also shared communications from Hamas stating the explosion was, in fact, caused by a rocket misfire by the Islamic Jihad — who work closely with the terrorist group. The US also supplied evidence, including a video showing the rocket launched from within Gaza, including satellite and infrared imagery. Plus, there was also an impact mark in the burnt parking lot, but a full investigation into the matter is difficult in the middle of a war. Haiat insisted that Hamas intentionally spread “false information,” using the “international media” to do its bidding. The official blasted journalists who spread the misinformation without doing their due diligence.

Indeed, soon after the initial hospital incident, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, an IDF spokesperson, held a press briefing confirming that Israeli forces did not have any active attacks in the hospital area at the time of the explosion. Hagari said intelligence communications indicated the rocket blast was one of 10 fired by the Islamic Jihad. Hagari said Hamas knew the truth but took the opportunity to smear Israel. During the briefing, he cleared up that the rocket blast hit the hospital parking lot — not the hospital itself, which he said was still standing. The recent news and evidence provided align with Hagari’s account. Still, Hamas insists there was no misfire and Israel is lying about the incident.

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