Haley To End Her Presidential Campaign

(RepublicanReport.org) – The Republican presidential primaries began with a whole host of challengers, all hoping they might find an edge over front-runner Donald Trump amid the growing divide. One by one, they fell to the wayside, leaving former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley alone against the MAGA leader. The last standing opponent is finally ending her presidential campaign, leaving Trump once again as the sole Republican contender.

The Associated Press shared Haley’s speech following her major losses on Super Tuesday, which all but guaranteed Trump’s nomination, on YouTube. The former governor began by stating she ran in this year’s primaries as an expression of love for her country. She added proudly that her mother, who is “a first-generation immigrant,” had the rare opportunity in the previous week to vote for her own daughter at the polls. She also expressed gratitude to her supporters before stating that she was ending her campaign.

Haley stated that she was moving forward with “no regrets” and would continue to work toward the issues that are important to her. One of them is the US national debt, which the former candidate insists will eventually destroy the economy if the United States remains on its current path. Americans must downsize the federal government if they want it to survive, according to Haley, and she believes our very freedom may be at stake. She slammed the country’s “dysfunctional” Congress, pointing to its members’ follower mentalities and insisting that the people start discussing term limits.

Haley also blamed “America’s retreat” for the ongoing escalations occurring in Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Haley said we were morally obligated to stand by our allies — but even more importantly, the wars would only worsen if the US didn’t offer a show of its strength. She also stressed the importance of Americans standing together despite the country’s political divide. She noted that Trump appeared to be the GOP’s choice and congratulated the MAGA leader on his win.

FiveThirtyEight indicates that Haley dropped out of the race with roughly 15.5% support.

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