Haley Booed in Iowa

(RepublicanReport.org) – The race for the next president of the United States is well underway, with Republican candidates Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former President Donald Trump, and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley leading other GOP hopefuls in the primary. All three have been trying to garner as much support as possible, traveling from state to state. Recently, Haley ran into trouble while participating in a town hall in Iowa when the crowd booed her on stage.

On January 4, Newsmax reported that several Iowa residents in the crowd were upset with the former South Carolina governor about comments she made during a visit to New Hampshire. While speaking to residents there, she said, “Iowa starts it. You know that you correct it… and then my sweet state of South Carolina brings it home. That’s what we do!” Some voters in the Granite State took offense to the comment.

After receiving negative feedback from her Iowa crowd, Haley told them she was just having “some fun” in New Hampshire. She explained that it was just some innocent ribbing and normal banter between the states. Haley roped in South Carolina as well, stating that New Hampshire often “makes fun of Iowa,” who jokes about South Carolina, and vice versa. She said, “It’s what we do,” saying politics was way “too serious and too dramatic.”

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds posted to social media afterward, clearly offended by Haley’s comments about her constituents. DeSantis’ campaign also spoke out against Haley for her presumed slight against Iowans, calling it “disrespectful” and “insulting.”

According to FiveThirtyEight’s average polling on January 7, Haley and DeSantis are neck and neck in Iowa, with the Florida governor ahead by only 2.7 points. Neither candidate can afford any slip-ups in the state. New Hampshire is a different story. Haley leads DeSantis by 22.7% but still trails Trump by 13.2 points. Still, the same polling source for the Iowa primary showed no change to Haley’s numbers following her controversial comments and subsequent backlash.

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