Governor Youngkin Vetoes Dozens Of Gun Control Bills

( – Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) assumed office in January 2022. On the campaign trail, he vowed to “protect the Second Amendment and [Virginians’] right to keep and bear arms.” A recent report indicated that the conservative governor is making good on his promise.

On March 26, Youngkin’s office issued a press release announcing his veto of 30 bills passed by Virginia’s Democratic-controlled legislature. He reminded constituents of his oath of office, which requires him to faithfully defend the US and Virginia constitutions, including “protecting the right of law-abiding Virginians to keep and bear arms.”

Examples of the bills that Youngkin vetoed included:

  • Senate Bill 383/House Bill 454, criminalizing the possession of a firearm in any building owned or operated by a public-operated institute of higher learning
  • House Bill 585, criminalizing home businesses selling firearms within 1.5 miles of elementary and middle schools
  • House Bill 799, requiring conceal carry gun permit applicants to submit fingerprints with their paperwork
  • Senate Bill 273/House Bill 1195, mandating waiting periods for firearm purchases

Youngkin also kicked six bills back to legislators with proposed changes. Those measures included:

  • Senate Bill 225, mandating parental notification of their responsibility to safely store firearms at home. Youngkin directed the Virginia Department of Education to establish a workgroup to develop a “comprehensive list of parental rights and responsibilities” as part of that proposed law.
  • Senate Bill 100/House Bill 173, prohibiting the manufacture and import of unfinished firearm frames and plastic guns. The governor asked lawmakers to establish a “knowledge standard” for enforcing the law and set mandatory minimum sentences for criminals who subsequently use a firearm while committing felonies.
  • Senate Bill 363, banning the removal or alteration of a firearm with its serial number removed. The law also prohibits the sale or possession of those guns. The governor asked lawmakers to align the measure’s definition of serial numbers with current federal laws.
  • Senate Bill 515/House Bill 861, prohibiting people from carrying weapons into mental health facilities. Youngkin recommended legislators refocus the bill to concentrate on criminals who transfer a firearm to patients of those institutions.

Youngkin did sign four public safety measures into law. They included Senate Bill 210/House Bill 22, which prohibits the possession, transfer, and manufacture of auto sears, devices used to convert firearms into automatic weapons, and Senate Bill 44/House Bill 36, which bars parents from allowing children exhibiting “a credible threat of violence” from accessing firearms.

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