DeSantis Promises To Bring Civil Rights Cases Against Prosecutors

( – Democratic mega-donor George Soros has indirectly funded the campaigns of local prosecutors for years. Conservatives have spoken out against his apparent effort to tip the scales of justice. Former President Donald Trump accused the lefty liberal billionaire of handpicking Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg on March 30, 2023. A few days later, the controversial prosecutor indicted the former president for reportedly falsifying business records.

Republican presidential hopeful and current Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently spoke out against liberal prosecutors. He also vowed to bring civil rights cases against them.

DeSantis Vows To Go Toe-to-Toe With George Soros’ Prosecutors

The Florida governor remained relatively quiet during the first half of the Republican National Committee’s second debate at California’s Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on September 27. However, toward the end, he more than made up for lost time, delivering an enthusiastic diatribe against Soros’ efforts to undermine law and order at the local level.

More animated than usual, DeSantis vowed that once he was president, he would unleash the Justice Department against “all… those left-wing Soros-funded” district attorneys by directing federal prosecutors to bring civil rights cases against them.

“We are not going to let them get away with [subverting justice] anymore,” he explained. All fired up at that point, he promised to “reverse” the country’s decline into lawlessness. “We choose law & order over rioting and disorder,” he proclaimed.

Florida Governor Speaks Out Against Rising Crime

DeSantis also addressed rising crime in Democratic-led strongholds and bragged about his accomplishments in Florida. Setting his sites on a familiar target — California.

The presidential hopeful told debate moderators and other GOP candidates that he and his wife met three victims of violent street crimes in just the last “couple of days,” some he said “would have never happened 10 or 20 years ago.” DeSantis explained that America can’t prosper if residents of sprawling metropolitan areas like San Francisco and Los Angeles aren’t safe.

DeSantis also touted his accomplishments fighting inept/corrupt liberal prosecutors. He pointed out that he removed “two progressive prosecutors” for failing to uphold state laws. He said, “The people of Florida are safer” due to that decisive action.

For those unfamiliar with the back story, in 2022, he suspended a Tampa Bay area prosecutor for claiming he wouldn’t seek criminal charges against individuals violating the state’s new 15-week abortion ban.

Likewise, DeSantis tossed the state attorney for the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida for her so-called handling of a rash of Orlando-area shootings. Most notably, the alleged gunman in a March shooting that killed a nine-year-old girl had convictions as a juvenile on eight felonies and 11 misdemeanors.

DeSantis’ prospects of winning the Republican nomination remain unclear despite his strong showing at the debate. Real Clear Politic’s last polling average shows him trailing Trump by 42.2 points.

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