DeSantis Pleads His Case On Why He Should Be The Nominee

( – Republicans just held their third primary debate, where the remaining candidates — minus former President Donald Trump, who spoke at his own engagement — argued over which of them might be the best choice to lead the country in 2024. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has been struggling behind the GOP frontrunner, pleaded his case, insisting Trump is a different person now than he was when he ran in 2016.

DeSantis took center stage during the November 8 debate, and he kicked off the dialogue by explaining why he felt he would be the best choice for Republicans moving forward. He insisted the people in charge aren’t worried about the common American citizen who’s struggling to put food on their table and keep their home heated. Nor do they care, according to DeSantis, about the reduced security and onslaught of drugs that have flooded the southern border due to the current administration’s lax policies.

“Well, I care,” DeSantis insisted, adding that he refused to stand by while the country spiraled out of control. He said the US needs real leadership, and he was willing to take the brunt of the assault from naysayers in his effort to fight for the American people. He believes he can lead the country into a “revival” and reminded viewers that “actions speak louder than words.”

DeSantis claimed that times have changed a lot since 2016, and Trump has changed a lot since then, too. The Florida governor said the former president should have been on that stage, so he could explain why he should be allowed a second chance to lead. The people deserve to know why the MAGA leader never followed through in having Mexico foot the bill for his border wall, he noted, and Trump should also share with the people why he added so much to the country’s debt while failing to drain the swamp as promised.

DeSantis closed his short speech by pointing at the major losses the GOP has suffered in recent elections. He added that he paved the way for incredible gains in Florida, and he could do it again for the country.

Meanwhile, as DeSantis and other rivals fought for their moment in the spotlight, Trump held his own separate rally in nearby Hialeah, Florida.

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