Democrat Senator Demands Border Must Be Shut Down

( – Not all Democrats support President Joe Biden’s border policies, although few have been as vocal about the issue as Sen. Joe Manchin (WV). The moderate politician agrees with his conservative peers that the border needs securing, and he’s willing to work across the aisle to see that it gets done.

Border is “Broken”

Manchin sat down with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday, December 17, to discuss his thoughts on one of America’s most heated issues. The lawmaker said many of his colleagues agreed that “the border is broken.” He insisted that lawmakers needed to work together to stop the crisis, noting that people are coming to the US from all parts of the world in record numbers. The West Virginia senator said the problem was “dangerous” and needed to be put to an end.

Manchin accused the masses of immigrants of abusing the country’s system, adding that he and other lawmakers are focusing their efforts on securing the southern border. Daily Wire reports that he also believes lawmakers need to tighten their “definition of asylum,” stating that it’s essential the country stop handing out assistance to anyone and everyone who claims, without solid proof, that they feel threatened back home. He implied that the country had nothing left to give and lawmakers needed to get the problem under control immediately.

A Country in Crisis

The influx of immigrants coming to the US in search of asylum and work has led to a crisis for some border towns. As a result, more than one governor has resorted to bussing their overflow to sanctuary cities, which claim to welcome all asylum seekers with open arms. Some of those enthusiastic mayors who were happy to play along at first are singing a different tune now that they’ve exhausted their resources.

The US Senate Committee on the Judiciary released a proposal in early November for fixing the current administration’s failed policies. It includes resuming construction on the border wall, increasing overtime pay for Border Patrol agents, and adding stricter criteria for asylum seekers. It would require border crossers to await their immigration proceedings in a neighboring nation if officials couldn’t send them to a “safe third country,” so taxpayers wouldn’t have to foot the bill for their care in the meantime. The legislation would also ensure that families remained together while awaiting court proceedings for illegally crossing into the US.

Manchin and many other lawmakers believe that fixing the broken system will not only rein in immigration, but also make the system more effective for the people who truly do need the assistance.

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