Democrat Gets Heckled on Live TV

( – A bizarre heckling event cut short an interview with a Baltimore Democrat seeking her party’s nomination for mayor. An unidentified individual threw a barrage of clothing items at politician Sheila Dixon, forcing her to dodge several pieces aimed at her face as she attempted to discuss the violence in her city’s streets.

A clip of the live WBFF Fox45 interview, which Dixon gave remotely from her home, appeared on TikTok. Anchor Patrice Sanders attempts to press the politician for details on her plans to tackle Baltimore’s violence when the clothing articles begin to fly by, clearly thrown from close range. The women try to continue, but a male voice speaks over them. His words are unintelligible, but he’s loud enough to disrupt the interview.

Dixon glances away from the camera numerous times, notably distracted by her male guest. She looks increasingly stressed and frightened as the assault continues. At one point, the Democratic hopeful raises an arm defensively to deflect an attack. Another instance has her knocking over the camera in her attempt to dodge a flying article, briefly revealing a pile of clothes that had collected at her feet and on her lap.

FOX45 News hosted Your Voice, Your Future Public Safety Town Hall, which took place at the Leadenhall Baptist Church in Federal Hill that evening. Dixon appeared alongside other panelists, including Baltimore City Councilman Eric Costello and Federal Hill Neighborhood Association Public Safety Chair Brad O’Brien.

Dixon had a previous run as Baltimore mayor from 2007 to 2010. She was forced to resign after a scandal went public involving the politician embezzling donated gift cards. She pleaded guilty to one count of perjury related to the case. She was ordered four years of unsupervised probation and 500 hours of community service. She also had to make a $45,000 donation to charity as part of her sentence.

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