Biden’s New Military Chief Warns Iran

( – Gen. CQ Brown was chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff for only about two weeks when Israel declared war on Hamas, the militant Palestinian group currently controlling the Gaza Strip. He hasn’t been shy about warning Iran not to get involved in the Palestinian conflict — if its leaders don’t already have a hand in the deadly attacks.

Some intelligence points to Iran as having supplied weapons and training that helped make Hamas’ siege possible. The Washington Post reports that the Middle Eastern country has previously given the Palestinian group advice on manufacturing advanced rockets and drones. Iran has also reportedly offered the militant group training in military tactics.

No evidence currently points to Iran as having orchestrated or having played a part in plotting the horrific attack on Israel, although officials claim Tehran very likely enabled it. Some analysts have expressed that the assault took too much precision and planning for Hamas to have carried out on its own. Iranian leaders refused to take any credit, but they commended the Palestinians who were responsible, and many officials openly expressed their support for the Islamic terrorists. Iran reportedly provides about $100 million every year to Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other Palestinian terrorist groups.

Some Republicans claim the recent prisoner swap agreement the Biden Administration made with Iran, which also gave the Middle Eastern country access to $6 billion in frozen oil funds, helped make the recent deadly assault possible. CBS News shares that the State Department claims Iran hasn’t touched that money, with the administration insisting that access to the funds is limited and only available for humanitarian causes.

Numerous prominent GOP members, including Florida Gov. Ron De Santis, primary hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy, and former President Donald Trump say they aren’t buying it. Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said the administration should put a freeze back on the funds, stating that allowing Iran to take that money now would only further help the terrorists’ cause.

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