Biden: Trump Is ‘About as Old as I Am’

( – President Joe Biden recently discussed his age during an interview, where he insisted his mental competency wasn’t a problem. He turned the argument around, noting that Trump is “about as old” as him. The president tried to back his sentiment by pointing at a speech in which the MAGA leader reportedly forgot his own wife’s name.

Biden appeared on the February 26 broadcast of “Late Night With Seth Meyers,” where he attempted to flip the dispute over his age by turning it on Trump. He joked about a blunder many people among the Left have insisted the former president made on February 24. They claim, according to Forbes, the 45th commander-in-chief called his wife “Mercedes,” but conservatives insist rivals twisted his words to make him look bad.

Biden claimed that the apparent age of a person’s ideas was just as important, pointing to the backpedaling Trump’s administration did — and would continue to do — on Roe v. Wade. The president alleged his rival was attacking issues that have been “solid American positions” for the past 50 to 60 years and added the former leader’s views were outdated.

In his attempt to derail Trump, Biden created yet another gaffe of his own. Meyers asked him how he intended to move forward this year, and the president replied, “the 2020 agenda is to finish the job.” He failed to notice his mistake in stating the correct year, and his host also let the blunder slip.

POLITICO reports that the age of both primary front-runners has become a growing issue, with Biden at 81 years old, and Trump, at 77, trailing behind him by just four years. Recent polling shows that about three-quarters of US citizens have moderate to serious age-related concerns about Biden, while a little less than half have similar worries about Trump. Both men insist they’re as mentally fit as ever.

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