Biden to Let 100,000 Migrants Enroll in Obamacare

( – In 2010, former President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law, making the plan available to millions. The law made health insurance affordable, expanded Medicaid, and lowered the price of healthcare. Today, about 45 million people in the US are enrolled in either the Marketplace or the expanded Medicaid plans. Recently, the Biden administration signaled its plans to add about 100,000 more people to that number.

On May 3, the administration announced its initiative to rope immigrants who were brought into America as children into the ACA in 2025. Those 100,000 people will have access to the marketplace when enrollment starts in November, just before the presidential election. They will not only receive health insurance coverage but the tax breaks that come with the offer as well.

Eligible candidates will be from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program — many of whom are Latino — which could help Biden’s numbers in that community. While a recent Pew Research poll showed the president pulling in about 52% of the Latino vote, targeting their support is a smart move since the demographic is increasing in the US.

Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said that allowing Dreamers to enroll in healthcare coverage will help “strengthen the health and well-being of our nation and our economy.” According to him, that’s because those who aren’t able to access healthcare have to spend more to get well when they eventually get sick enough to require care.

Becerra said the Biden administration is “committed to making health coverage accessible for all Americans,” including Dreamers. He added that those DACA recipients work hard “to live the American dream.” However, the administration is not extending Medicaid coverage to the demographic — yet.

While over 800,000 migrants will actually be eligible for enrollment this year, the administration predicts that only a fraction will sign up—the estimated 100,000. The others could be covered by their employers, through private plans, or simply not be able to afford coverage in the marketplace.

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