Biden Says He Doubts He’d Be in 2024 Race If Trump Wasn’t Running

( – Doubts over President Joe Biden’s fitness to run for a second term have loomed over the Democratic party, leading to growing concerns over the possibility of an 81-year-old taking office for another four years. Many people have questioned the party’s decision to push the geriatric leader as their frontrunner, with the decision making little sense even to a lot of Democrats.

Biden, however, blames former President Trump for his 2024 bid. During a recent fundraising event, he expressed doubt that he would have made another run if the MAGA leader hadn’t decided to jump into the race.

Questionable Rematch

Biden announced his candidacy in April, after reportedly weighing the decision for several weeks and discussing it over with friends and family. All apparently agreed that another Biden-Harris ticket would be their only possible chance to beat Trump in 2024. Still, many polls show Trump having a better bet at capturing key swing states, with Biden’s age being just one of numerous issues hampering his electability. Crime, the economy, and the border crisis are among the other top concerns leaving even Democrats feeling uncertain about the Left’s decision to continue pushing for the US leader.

Biden’s ratings have reflected those concerns. Reuters recently teamed up with Ipsos to conduct a three-day poll on the public’s current opinion, collecting responses online from 1,017 adult participants. It found an estimated 40% of US voters approved of the president’s performance in office. For comparison, around the same time, FiveThirtyEight estimated Trump’s favorability to be at 42%.

Trump’s Vow

The New York Times reports that Biden’s recent statement, which he made on October 5 while speaking at a campaign fundraiser in Boston, made winning almost personal. He alluded to Trump’s plans to prosecute his political rivals along with former aides who’ve turned on him as one of many threats Americans would face if the MAGA leader returned to the Oval Office.

The president also attempted to make his case by claiming Trump would create detention camps for illegal immigrants, turn his back on NATO peace agreements, use the military to control protests, and cut civil service protection for certain government officials in an effort to force their loyalty.

Trump has indicated that he plans to have the Justice Department investigate many of his critics and former allies if he becomes president again. The former leader also plans to go after John F. Kelly, who formerly served as his chief of staff; former attorney general William P. Barr; past Trump attorney Ty Cobb; Gen. Mark A. Milley, who was formerly the joint chiefs of staff chairman; and numerous officials at the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigations. Trump also plans to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Biden and the current First Family.

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