Biden Has More Cash Than Trump

( – Election season is in full swing, as each party has chosen its presumptive nominee — President Joe Biden for the Democrats and former President Donald Trump for the Republicans. Each candidate has been fundraising to gather enough money to campaign properly with rallies and ads all over the country. But one presumptive nominee is far outpacing the other in terms of cash.

Federal filings show that Biden raised $43.8 million and spent $29.2 million in March, whereas Trump only raised $15.3 million and spent just $4 million during that same month. As for cash, the president had a net cash campaign balance of $85.5 million at the end of last month, and the former president had nearly half that amount — $44.6 million.

Each candidate recently held a large fundraiser, but only Biden’s is reflected in the March numbers. Trump held his bash on April 6, so those dollar amounts will show in the April filing at the end of the month.

The president held his event at Radio City Music Hall in New York, featuring live music and two former presidents — Bill Clinton and Barack Obama — raking in a cool $26 million. The GOP presumptive candidate’s event was held in Palm Beach and reportedly brought in over $50.5 million.

However, those numbers won’t be confirmed for a few more weeks. Still, Biden is outpacing Trump by a lot in fundraising, and the voter surveys reflect his efforts. Recent polling shared by FiveThirtyEight shows the president leading Trump by between one and five points. It’s unclear if that trend will continue, but having more cash means more exposure and could spell trouble for the one with less financial means.

One hitch holding Trump back is that a good deal of money coming into his campaign is being spent on his legal fees, which is not helping his campaign. If the Biden campaign continues to outraise his opponent, he will have more means to reach voters before the election in November.

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