Auto Makers Reach Tentative Deal to End Strike

( – In September, 150,000 members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) union approved a walkout from three big auto companies, starting the “biggest auto strike in generations.” More than 45,000 employees who joined the picket line worked at Ford, Stellantis, and General Motors. They left just after negotiations between the UAW and the car manufacturers failed. The union members asked for at least a 40% bump in pay over four years, an end to the two-tiered wage system, an increase in benefits, security protections, and fewer hours. After more than a month on the picket line, the strike might be coming to an end.

On October 26, Newsmax reported that the UAW announced it reached a tentative agreement with Ford, but the contract term needed approval from the 57,000 union members first. The Ford deal, if approved, could force General Motors and Stellantis to come to an agreement as well. UAW President Shawn Fain reportedly said in a video that the union “told Ford to pony up,” and the company complied. He said Ford offered “50% more money” than they did when the contract negotiations broke down in September.

Instead of the 40% pay increase over four years originally requested by the union, UAW Vice President Chuck Browning said the members who work with Ford’s top-scale assembly would receive a 25% wage increase with cost of living adjustments that would put that percentage to 30. When the talks began, Ford was only offering 9%. Other assembly workers will get an 11% bump — an increase amount not seen in 16 years. But that’s not all. Browning said temporary workers would also get a wage increase of more than 150%, and retirees would see yearly bonuses.

President Joe Biden, who previously joined workers on the picket line in Detroit, released a statement about the tentative deal. He congratulated both sides for “coming together,” making it clear that the workers had the final say on the matter. He said the potential deal was a shining example of how “collective bargaining” can help improve employees’ lives.

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