Americans Don’t Want to Fight For Their Country

Bill Barr Calls for US Military Intervention Against Drug Cartels

( – The United States military inducted its last draftee, Dwight Elliot Stone, into service in June 1973. He was the last of over 17 million men conscripted into America’s armed forces. Since then, the nation’s service branches have been staffed by an “all-volunteer force,” or AVT. The Atlantic recently noted that the shift allowed Americans to remain relatively “indifferent to their military.” A new report indicated that most Americans don’t want to fight for their country.

On November 9, Echelon Insights LLC published the results of its October 2023 Omnibus Questionnaire. Naturally, several of the report’s 22 pages of questions focused on the Israel-Hamas and Ukraine-Russia Wars, the United States military service branches, and the looming possibility of the US getting dragged into a major war.

Question 38 asked participants if they would volunteer to serve in the nation’s armed services if the country entered a major war. Seventy-two percent (72%) responded they definitely or probably wouldn’t. Fifty percent (50%) responded, “No, definitely not,” and the remaining 22% checked the “no, probably not” box.

A paltry 10% said they definitely would volunteer, and 11% said they probably would, for a combined total of 22% providing an affirmative answer. The questionnaire’s remaining 7% said they weren’t sure.

Participants also offered insight into their opinions about the ongoing Ukraine-Russia War.

  • 33% said they believed Ukraine was winning the conflict. Twenty-one percent (21%) thought Russia was, and 46% weren’t sure;
  • 53% said providing US military assistance, including advanced weapons systems, was a good idea. Twenty-six percent (26%) thought it was a bad idea, and 20% were unsure.

The survey showed similar results for the Israel-Hamas War, with 42% of the participants saying they thought the US should provide limited weaponry and military aid to Israel. They also indicated that American officials should exercise caution about getting too involved in the conflict.

Similarly, 32% of the participants said they thought the US should provide whatever weapons and aid Israel needed to defeat Hamas. Fifteen percent (15%) said the US shouldn’t give any support or weapons to the wartorn country, and 12% weren’t sure.

Echelon fielded answers online from October 23 to 26 among a sample of 1,029 English-speaking voters using “non-probability sampling.” The survey’s margin of error is +/- 4.1%.

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