3 U.S. Soldiers Injured, Including 1 Critically, During Operation On Gaza Pier

(RepublicanReport.org) – On May 7, the deputy Pentagon press secretary announced that the US military finished constructing two segments of the Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore (JLOTS) — the floating pier and Trident pier — on the Mediterranean Sea. The JLOTS system is a staging area two miles away from shore, designed to make it easier to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza.

On May 23, US Central Command Deputy Commander Vice Admiral Brad Cooper told reporters that three military members were injured in non-combat related incidents at sea. He said two of them suffered “very minor injuries” and were already back on duty, and the other was “undergoing care” at a hospital in Israel.

The command released a statement confirming the US service member’s injury, adding that the military individual was in critical condition. The notice said the incident occurred while aboard MV Benavidez, indicating it didn’t happen on the pier while delivering aid. USCentCom promised more details as available.

Cooper provided a bit more detail about the other injuries — a turned ankle and a back injury—which he called “minor” and “routine.” The only detail he would provide about the more serious injury was that the military member had to be medivaced to the hospital for care.

President Joe Biden first announced the construction of a temporary pier in the Mediterranean during his State of the Union address in March. He said the structure would allow a large amount of “food, water, medicine, and temporary shelters” into Gaza without “US boots…on the ground.”

While there won’t be any US soldiers actively participating in the war between Israel and Hamas, a retired Navy supply captain said the mission to deliver humanitarian aid isn’t without risk. However, he noted that the “military is trained for this,” and they “understand” that all missions come with risk. The retired captain said when you’re moving heavy containers, “in an environment that is moving…anything can happen.”

There has been no further update from USCENTCOM about the soldier’s condition.

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