NRA Endorses Trump, Urges Gun Owners To Vote

( – As the presumptive presidential nominees head toward November, they have both been accepting endorsements from different organizations. Former President Donald Trump recently received endorsements from the Florida Police Benevolent Association and the board of the International Union of Police Associations. Now, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has also backed the former US leader.

On May 18, the National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) officially announced its endorsement of Trump for re-election. The organization noted Trump’s dedication to defending US citizens’ right to bear arms.

NRA-PVF Chairman Randy Kozuch said a win for the former president is a “victory for the Second Amendment,” stating Trump “always fought” for that constitutional right when he was in office. Kozuch said the former US leader would do that again if the organization helps to return him to the White House.

Trump happily accepted the NRA endorsement, stating it was a “true honor” to receive the organization’s support. He called the group “great patriots” and “great people,” adding his prediction that he would “win [the] election at levels that nobody’s ever seen before.” Trump said their support “means a lot” to him. The NRA endorsed the former president in 2016 and 2020.

During his acceptance speech at the endorsement ceremony, Trump promised to “roll back” every law passed by the Biden administration that he believes attacks the right to bear arms. The former president also encouraged gun owners to go out and vote, adding that he “want[ed] a landslide” victory.

While the NRA is still a powerful organization, its membership has been waning over the past few years, down 33% in the last five years. The New York Times described the group as a previous lobbying juggernaut that is now more of a ghost ship, given its downsizing and recent legal woes. Regardless, Kozuch assured that NRA members were still active in the “political arena” and were “fully committed” to Trump’s re-election efforts.

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