Letitia James Reveals New Mass Arrests

(RepublicanReport.org) – The Gambino crime family gained prominence in New York in the 1950s when the head of the group, Carlo Gambino, oversaw operations. At that time, five major organized crime families were reportedly operating in the city: Gambino, Colombo, Bonanno, Genovese, and Lucchese. New York Attorney General Letitia James just released an indictment naming two of the five families.

On June 5, the AG announced the indictments and arrests of 17 people tied to the Gambino organized crime family. The charges involved 84 counts of illegal gambling and lucrative loansharking. The indictments list enterprise corruption, criminal usury in the first and second degree, and promoting gambling in the first degree as the specific crimes. The operations reportedly involved upwards of $22.7 million in illegal bets and weekly payments of about $500,000 for loans. The enterprise corruption charge alone carries a maximum of 25 years behind bars.

Four individuals, John LaForte, Joseph LaForte Jr., Tracy Alfano, and John Palladino, caught an additional charge for mortgage fraud. They are accused of fraudulently applying for a home loan to purchase a $600,000 residence in New Jersey. If convicted, they could spend up to 15 years in prison. John LaForte is listed as a defendant in both sets of indictments. Many of the individuals named were tied to the Gambino family, while Charles Fusco is an alleged associate of the Colombo crime family.

Commissioner Paul Weinstein of the New York Waterfront Commission said the move was a “stark reminder” that organized crime is still alive and well in New York. He said the commission will continue working with local law enforcement to “combat corruption and racketeering” to keep New Yorkers safe. NYPD Commissioner Edward A. Caban praised his officers and their partners from other law enforcement agencies and the government for their dedication in helping to take down organized crime.

James said that while more work was still needed, they took several “Gambino family members out of business.”

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