(RepublicanReport.org) – With the presidential election mere months away and the candidates pretty much locked in at this point, there’s a lot of concern as to whether President Joe Biden is up to the task of once again being the leader of the free world. During the June 27 debate, he struggled to string words together and seemed dazed and lost on the stage while millions of Americans tuned in to see the disaster unfold. After that, people began calling — even more vigorously — for him to step down and let someone more capable take over. Biden has adamantly refused to drop out of the campaign, and one CNN analyst says that decision could ultimately be the downfall of Democrats this election cycle.
Polls Favor Donald Trump and Republicans
On Tuesday, July 9, CNN analyst Harry Enten appeared on the network to go over the aggregated poll results. All of them, he said, discussing the results with anchor John Berman, show that former President Donald Trump is ahead by a margin of two to three points. This, according to the analyst, is problematic because it will likely lead to a down-ballot effect for Democrats because “straight-ticket voting is the lay of the land these days.” Straight-ticket voting is when a voter chooses the same party down the line, choosing all Republicans or all Democrats. Some do split-ticket voting based on the candidate’s merits, but it’s not the majority.
Congressional Impact
If people decide that Biden is unable to lead this country and opt to vote Republican, that could affect Congressional seats as well. One of the seats that Enten said is up for grabs that will likely turn GOP is West Virginia, where Senator Joe Manchin (D) is retiring. Democrats currently lead the Senate but with a slim margin. The House is currently under Republican control, also by a slim margin, but Enten cautions that Americans concerned about Biden’s ability to effectively lead could swing the pendulum completely Red.
In 2020, Biden said the polls underestimated him, which, though he won when election day arrived, Enten said the claim “does not hold any water.” That is likely to be the same situation this year, especially with his established track record and dismal debate showing.
Biden has stated he has no intention of dropping out of the race despite high-ranking Democrats calling on him to give someone else a chance to win, something they don’t think he has.
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